Question Everything — Including your existence: Computational Perspective

vivek keshore
7 min readApr 3, 2021

The answer to Life, Universe and Everything:

The first time when a human would have ventured out of the cave, that person would have got so many questions in the mind when gazed at sky. It is a human tendency to ask a question, to be curious, to look for answers, to seek more than just survival.

These questions, and the curiosity to find the answers has given birth to both science and religion. It’s just the hunger of human mind to find out answers to the questions, where ever it can be found.

Every ordinary or extraordinary person whoever has ever found a answer to any question, they actually added a page to ever extending and growing human knowledge base. Starting from the cave dwellers to Plato to Aristotle to Archimedes to Da Vinci to Shakespeare to Newton to Darwin to Maxwell to Einstein to RN Tagore to Stephen Hawking to You and Me, we all have added some pages to this human knowledge base. But, have we answered all the questions. Do we have all the answers. Do we have the answer to life, universe and everything? The more we find answers, the more questions take the place.

Do we have infinite questions?

It’s normal to think that all humans combined would have infinite thoughts and questions, and thus we can never get answer to everything. Infinite is infinite for a reason. But the real question (irony) is that, do we really have infinite questions?

So far since the advent of Homo Sapiens specie, there has been around 110 billion individuals who have ever lived. Today’s world population represents just 7–8% of all humans who have ever lived.

Considering, the number of people as finite, and their lifespan as finite. If they produce one thought or question every second of their respective life, then the number of thoughts or questions would also be finite. It will be a big number, but still finite.

An average human lives for 2.2 billion seconds. If there are 110 billions lived till now, and if all the humans produced 1 thought per second, then still it would be 2.2 billion multiplied by 110 billion. Its a big number, but a finite number.

What about those questions or answers which we didn't get time to comprehend or time to think. We didn’t think of certain questions, it doesn’t mean those questions doesn’t exist. Those questions are waiting to be discovered. Does this make the knowledge base infinite?

What is Infinite?

It’s hard to comprehend infinite. It’s never ending. There are multiple problems and paradoxes, like Rose-Littlewood Paradox or the Infinite Hotel Paradox, which are enough to boggle anyone’s mind.

Let me introduce infinite with a new perspective. Let’s take a scale of 1 meter. Now, lets divide the scale in 100 equal parts. We will get each part measuring 1 cm. Or, we can break the scale in 1000 parts, or how about 100000 parts, or 31415926 parts. Its easy to say that we can break scale in infinite ways, but each way will result in finite pieces only. Breaking the scale in infinite ways neither makes the scale infinite, nor the resultant broken pieces as infinite.

Answer to Life, Universe and Everything:

Draw any circle of any radius. Measure the circumference of the circle and the diameter of the circle. The circle, its circumference and the diameter are finite values. But, if you try to take out the ratio of the circumference and diameter, then suddenly the value becomes infinite. The value of Pi.

Fabrice Bellard holds the record of finding the most digits of Pi. Fabrice Bellard, a computer programmer calculated pi to the 2.7 trillion digits after the decimal. So, far there are no repeated pattern of digits were observed, and also the nth digit is unpredictable. So, it means Pi is a true irrational number. If the numbers are neither repeated, nor there is any order or pattern, and if the pi is really infinite, then pi number holds every information in the world.

We can represent the information or data in any number system. In electronic devices we represent the information in Binary system (base 2). The other popular number systems are octal (base 8) and hexadecimal base(16). Similarly we can represent every information, every data in decimal (base 10) number system as well. Digits in Pi are also in decimal number system. It means that the Pi has all the questions represented in its digits somewhere, all the answers. The digits in pi contains every information and data, which ever existed, or which can possibly exist in future. The answer to everything. Pi is not the only such number which contains all the information, there are several others like e or square root of 2.

The Library of Babel

Isn’t it a fantastic idea to have a central library of our combined knowledge base. The library which contains everything. Not only our past knowledge, but also the knowledge which we will gain in future, each question, each answer, every possibility, every thought of each person. It should all be there already in the library, just waiting to be seen or read by someone. Sounds like a fantasy or impossibility.

What if, I say that such library already exist. A library which contains, every thought of every person, every script of all movies/plays/sitcoms (past or future), every scientific principle, every conspiracy theory, every question, every answer, every alternate history, every song, every symphony, poem, articles, scientific papers, discoveries, formulas, inventions, ideas, software code, every news, the future, what will happen on a certain day on this earth and in a parallel universe, cure for every disease, description of your birth, every possible description of your death, every data or information which can possibly exist till the end of universe. It’s all already available, but its waiting for someone to look at it.

Introducing the Library of Babel. Originally designed by Jorge Luis Borges, and later implemented in form of a website by Jonathan Basile. He created an algorithm which generates a book by iterating every permutation of 29 characters which are 26 alphabets, space, comma and full-stop.

Each book in the library of Babel can be found by it’s location. The library has lot of Hexagonal rooms. Each Hexagon is having 4 walls of books, and each wall has 5 shelf, and each shelf has 32 books, and each book has 410 pages.

So, a particular book can be located as 0e-w1-s2-v18:1, where 0e is the name of Hexagon, w1 is wall 1, s2 is shelf 2, v18 is book 18 on the shelf 2, and 1 after the colon represents the page number.

Here’s the link to Library of Babel —

For better experience, please open all the links using a laptop or desktop.

If you go to link, and click on browse section —

Then enter the following hex


Go to Wall 2

Go to Shelf 5

Go to Volume 31

Page number 162

You will find the first paragraph of this Article which you are reading. Did I really write the first paragraph on my own? But my idea or thought was already present at the above mentioned book in Library of Babel. It means that all our ideas, every possible outcome, every possible alternate reality, every answer and solution is already there. It’s waiting for us to look.

Here is the fun one. An alternate history in an alternate parallel universe. Go to the following hex


Wall number 2

Shelf number 1

Volume number 26

Page number 227

Size of the Library

The library of Babel contains almost 10 ^ 4679 pages, containing everything.

In comparison, an average human has 7 * 10 ^ 27 atoms. The observable universe has 10 ^ 80 atoms. The library contains more pages than there are atoms in the universe. How is that possible?

It all works because of a fantastic algorithm.

  • Each page is given a unique sequential page number in base 10.
  • The text on each page is encased or kind of hashed inside this unique sequential page number.
  • The algorithm uses this sequential number as a seed to create a unique big number.
  • The unique big number is then converted to base 29 (26 chars plus comma space and period).
  • This base 29 converted data is written on each page.
  • So, the same page number will always create the same output, every time.

This means that every page is kind of already written. Each page is already predetermined, each page already knows what text it will contain. So, every page already exist, it already written, it needs to be discovered or read by someone.

The pages are more than the atoms in universe, so we can’t possibly read each and every page. But if we read random pages in random volumes from random shelves, then we might discover something. You might discover something. You might find solution to energy crisis, or P vs NP, or the answer to Life Universe and Everything.

It’s like a treasure hunt, go and discover something.

There is more …

The library of Babel also contains the library of images. The image library contains 10 ^ 961755 unique images. It contains every image which can possibly exist. Every painting, every movie frame by frame, every imagination, a scene where me and Stephen Hawking are sitting in a rocket and traveling to Andromeda galaxy … Anything which you can imagine. These images are not uploaded by anyone, it already exist in the library.

Example — The image library already had the image of Mars. The image which was recently clicked by NASA Perseverance Rover. It was already present in the library even when the Perseverance rover was not even on papers. That image was waiting to be discovered. Similarly, it also contains images of every possible mission, every possible calamity, every possible master piece, every possible painting which Picasso or Da Vinci never drawn.

Some Interesting Finds in Library of Babel:

For better experience, please open all the links using a laptop or desktop.

  1. Ally, I love you — A love letter —
  2. Questions to God —
  3. The vastness —
  4. Cat’s place in Animal Kingdom —
  5. The Evil in you —
  6. Translate the text from Dutch to English using google translate —
  7. The Goodbye — someone someday will write this text in our’s or some other universe —
  8. Treasure Hunt —
  9. Meaning of life —
  10. A masterpiece — May be by a future painter, even before he/she painted.
  11. Guitar Baby —
  12. A YouTube link —
  13. Pika Groudon Pokemon
  14. A mystery —

